His life long filming passion started with his father from Aceh, a keen handyman and experimenter, who one day had became a host of DIY TV show on TVRI the Indonesian National TV. Weekly show was a success, gained popularity throughout Indonesia and was watched on every island from Sumatra to Papua. Sometimes dad was bringing his son to the studio, and due to this, Ipul as a small boy from ordinary Jakartan neighbourhood was lucky enough to discover the shooting process and get fascinated by it.
Then there was cinema - free monthly screenings in Layar Tanceb, an outdoor cinema - which made him to love movies and inspired to dream about getting behind the camera. He made a wooden box projector and collected parts of the burnt film rolls left after the screenings to watch with other kids at his home-diy-cinema.
Being not able to afford studying at film school and this made him really upset. Trying to help son to get an opportunity to learn, his father bought him a second hand old school handycam Sony CCD-V110 Video8 for a start. Ipul used it for filming music concerts having a hope to get a free ticket from organisers. After many attempts, Ipul met a famous Indonesian band - DEWA 19. They offered him to join the tour and shoot their concerts and later on their music videos. That is how the dream started becoming true.
After some time, friends introduced Ipul to a senior Indonesian DoP, Agung Dewantaro. After internship and learning from Agung Dewantaro, Ipul started his career in TVCs. Over the years he is constantly learning and gaining new skills. Besides regular sets, he specialises in underwater shoots, aerial video and travel photography.​
He is based in Jakarta, Bali and now partly in Europe Filming, surfing, travelling a lot, loving all outdoor activities .
Photo: @Patriziiia
© 2020 by Gueipul